Program Partners
SJI’s programs rely on multiple community-based organizations and community college partners.
SJI partners with community-based organizations to staff Career Navigators who provide hands-on support to CareerConnect participants to prepare for, enroll in and complete education and training programs, and connect to well-paying employment opportunities.
If you are an interested participant or job seeker, you can learn about SJI’s program options and find out which community-based organization you should contact in the Job Seekers section of this website.
View general information about our community-based organization partners:
Neighborhood House
Since 1906, Neighborhood House has been helping diverse communities of people with limited resources attain their goals for self-sufficiency, financial independence, health and community building. Our services include early childhood education (including Head Start and Early Head Start), mentoring and tutoring, emergency referral services, self-sufficiency/employment classes and services (including ESL and citizenship), job placement and training, substance abuse services, transportation and outreach for the elderly and disabled and publication of the Voice newspaper.
Pacific Associates
Pacific Associates has been providing quality employment and training services for 30 years. Our goal is for residents of Seattle and King County to gain skills and employment that will lead to careers and economic well-being for themselves and their families.
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
ACRS promotes social justice and the well-being and empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities – including immigrants, refugees, and American-born – by developing, providing and advocating for innovative, effective and efficient community-based multilingual and multicultural services.
TRAC Associates
TRAC Associates is a leader in offering employment services for job seekers and businesses in Washington State since 1983. TRAC Associates assists job seekers in meeting the changing needs of businesses and the labor market.