Seattle Jobs Initiative is a nonprofit organization that creates opportunities for people to support themselves and their families through living-wage careers. All our work is designed to eliminate barriers to well-paying, long-term work.

Local businesses play a significant role in guiding and enhancing our programs.

Business partners can help with the following:

  • Classroom presentations. Provide a 30-60 minute presentation on a career readiness topic of your choice including (but not limited to) effective networking, resumes/cover letters, interviewing techniques, workplace behavior, customer service, career pathways, etc.
  • Mock interviews. Conduct 3-5 interviews that are approximately 10-15 minutes each. This is a 2-3 hour commitment once every quarter.
  • Boards and commitments. Guide local training programs and make greater workforce system impacts by joining a business board or college Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Commitment levels vary.
  • Internships. Host an internship that allows students to develop their skills while earning college credits. This is a 6-8 week commitment.

By working with SJI, you will be helping to strengthen our local workforce and changing the lives of motivated students seeking your expert career advice!

Questions? We can help.
Contact Kevin Osborn, Vice President of Operations, at