Need a quick refresher on SNAP E&T? This primer provides a brief overview of the program including funding streams, program eligibility and referral, allowable services, and key terminology. It isRead More
Need a quick refresher on SNAP E&T? This primer provides a brief overview of the program including funding streams, program eligibility and referral, allowable services, and key terminology. It isRead More
The Guide is a playbook for advocates that seeks to provide them insight and ideas for their efforts to move States to take steps to develop and expand skills-based SupplementalRead More
The brief presents an examination of the initial impact, if any, on States SNAP E&T programs of the passage of WIOA and the opportunity it afforded States to develop newRead More
The brief outlines recommendations learned from SJI and NSC’s work in 2015 with Iowa, Connecticut, Maryland, and Oregon, as well as identifies common challenges in developing skills-based SNAP E&T programsRead More
SJI has also developed a comprehensive training Toolkit for developing and operating skills-based SNAP Employment and Training programs, based on the success of Washington’s BFET program. Our Sample Toolkit includesRead More
On July 8, 2014, National Skills Coalition hosted this webinar on the potential of SNAP E&T and how state and local communities can best capitalize on this largely untapped resource.Read More
In 2014, SJI completed a definitive overview of Washington State’s BFET program funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This paper provides a history of the program’s initial development andRead More
In addition, as part of our work with the National Skills Coalition, SJI co-authored a SNAP E&T Best Practices brief that provides a quick overview of what makes effective SNAPRead More
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