The initial wave of COVID layoffs between March 15th and April 25th, 2020, severely impacted younger Seattle area workers.
The initial wave of COVID layoffs between March 15th and April 25th, 2020, severely impacted younger Seattle area workers.
The digital divide has long been recognized as a factor contributing to the economic marginalization of low-income communities, particularly Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color (BIPOC communities). The pandemicRead More
The COVID-Recession & Recovery series is done by SJI on behalf of the City of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development to inform the City strategies as it collaborates with the Workforce Development Council to plan our regional recovery from this unprecedented economic shutdown and recession.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac semper elit. Suspendisse tincidunt diam non venenatis tempor. Vivamus vitae placerat sem. Donec id nisi sed diam malesuada tempor. UtRead More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac semper elit. Suspendisse tincidunt diam non venenatis tempor. Vivamus vitae placerat sem. Donec id nisi sed diam malesuada tempor. UtRead More
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