About Kathleen Carson
Kathleen Carson leads SJI research focused on regional and national labor markets, educational access, and workforce development program evaluation. Her work is rooted in the understanding that building healthy and vibrant communities depends on creating a more equitable economy.
Publications & Reports
Clean Energy in the Bonneville Power Administration Area, Seattle Jobs Initiative for the Pacific Northwest Center for Excellent in Clean Energy at Centralia College
Seattle’s Energy Efficient Building Operations and Construction Industries Workforce Report, Seattle Jobs Initiative for Emerald Cities and Seattle City Light
Skills Transferability During Covid-1, Covid-Recession and Recovery Brief no. 3, Seattle Jobs Initiative for the City of Seattle
Digitalization and Automation in the Construction Trades. SeattleJobs Initiative & City of Seattle Office of Economic Development
Adapting to the COVID-19 Environment. COVID Recession and Recovery Brief #2. Seattle Jobs Initiative & City of Seattle Office of Economic Development
COVID-19 and the Future of Work. K. Carson, D. Kaz, R. Davis, M. Houghton. Seattle Jobs Initiative & City of Seattle Office of Economic Development
COVID Recession and Recovery. K. Carson, D. Kaz, R. Davis, M.Houghton. Seattle Jobs Initiative & City of Seattle Office of Economic Development
Amping up for EV: Workforce for Electric Vehicle Manufacturing in the Pacific Northwest. R-I Koivumaeki, K. Carson Seattle Jobs Initiative, Prosper Portland, Seattle Office of the Environment and Sustainability
Academic Publications
Goals, Challenges, and Capacity of Regional Data Portals in the United States: An Updated Understanding of Long-Standing Discussions. J.P. Ganning, S.L. Coffin, B. McCall & K. Carson
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